Everything Happening So Quickly !!

So, here's a little image to give you an idea of a chest tube. Horrid thing!

So, here’s a little image to give you an idea of a chest tube. Horrid thing!


 A tube was pushed through my chest into my lungs to drain the fluid that was in them. It was the most painful and scary experience so far because I could not breathe for what felt like forever.

And here is another image of a chest tube, just in case the first one didn't show enough :)

And here is another image of a chest tube, just in case the first one didn’t show enough 🙂

I’m not too sure what happened after that. Everything from then seems to be a fading from my memory, but I do remember hearing news that my operation was going to occur the next day.
How my mother sorted herself out I am not too sure. She did have contact with a friend by then.Whom was there for her and she found a place to stay. it was near the hospital and they brought her to and from the hospital when she needed.
My next memory starts when I was taken out of the operating theatre; I woke up to the sound of my mom’s voice and saw her smiling face.
It still wasn’t clear to me where I was or what had happened but the first words that came out of my mouth were,
mom, I’m hungry….’
then she knew, I was okay.

So, This is what my spine looks like today. These screws will remain in me forever

So, This is what my spine looks like today. These screws will remain in me forever

Here's a closer image of my spine. see the smaller vertebra?
Here’s a closer image of my spine. see the smaller vertebra in the middle? thats the crushed vertebra

About Marilyn :)

I'm a writer and christian whose living a very complicated life, I know I'm never alone no matter how alone I feel at times. I'm stubborn so i always learn things the hard way and even though I have a lot of regrets, I'd never take anything back because I wouldn't be who I am today.

3 responses to “Everything Happening So Quickly !!

  1. I am so glad that you are okay! Hugs and blessings!

  2. Wow! Have you seen my son Joe’s arm screws that I posted on Facebook?

  3. Marilyn :)

    Yes i have!!! similar to mine 🙂

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